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Roseman Legacy Giving Circle

Babies in Playroom

In this video, the founding members of the Gail Roseman Legacy Circle share their personal stories and insights on why they believe leaving a legacy for The Child Center of NY is the most important investment they’ll ever make. They discuss how their planned gifts will transform lives by ending generational poverty, combating loneliness, improving mental wellness, empowering women and girls, and creating a lasting impact in the beating heart of New York.


Leaving a gift to The Child Center of NY in your will or by beneficiary designation is a beautiful way to invest in the future of our youth and make a lasting impact. Many are surprised by how simple it is to make a significant difference for the charities they love by leaving a gift in their will or naming them as beneficiaries of a retirement plan or other financial accounts.

Planned giving is a win-win approach to philanthropic donations that supports The Child Center and can benefit you now or in the future. Simply put, planned giving transfers assets to The Child Center during your lifetime or as part of your estate plan. This forward-thinking approach to giving is “planned” because these assets are often not liquid, have tax consequences, and are generally transferred via a will or other written means.

It's Easy | How You Benefit
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Whether you name The Child Center in your will or trust or leave a gift of house and property, there's an easy option that's right for you.

Choose the Right Gift for You

Gifts by Beneficiary Designation:
Make a difference by simply signing your name. Supporters like you frequently tell us, “I wish I could do more.” You can! Help support our youth for generations to come by naming The Child Center as a beneficiary of any of these types of accounts:
-Retirement Accounts
-Life Insurance Policies
-Bank or Brokerage Accounts
-Certificates of Deposit
-Donor Advised Funds

It’s easy to do. Download our factsheet to learn more.

Make the Most of Your IRA:
If you are over the age of 70 ½, you can save on income tax when making donations to qualified charities, such as The Child Center, directly from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Gifts in Your Will:
Leave a gift that costs you nothing now. You can take care of your family first and include The Child Center to receive a specific amount or percentage of your estate. You can also name us as a contingent beneficiary, so our youth are next in line after your loved ones.
Download this factsheet to learn more.

How to Leave a Gift

How to Name The Child Center as a Beneficiary:
Support The Child Center for years to come by simply signing your name on a beneficiary designation form.

  1. Obtain the appropriate forms on the account website or by calling the customer service number on your statement to request a form be mailed to you.

  2. Write in The Child Center of NY as a beneficiary and use our Employer Identification Number (EIN): 11-1733454 where the form asks for a social security number.

  3. Mail the form to your administrator and let us know about your gift so we can thank you and ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Please email our Director of Integrated Fundraising and Operations, Jacquelyn Blake, at

How to Leave a Gift in Your Will:
Support The Child Center for years to come by leaving a gift in your will.

  1. Share this sample language with your lawyer or advisor:
    "I give (percentage of my estate or description of asset or dollars) to The Child Center of NY, 118-35 Queens Boulevard, Sixth Floor, Forest Hills, NY 11375, EIN: 11-1733454 for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose."

  2. Please email our Director of Integrated Fundraising and Operations, Jacquelyn Blake, at to let us know about your gift so we can thank you and help ensure your wishes are fulfilled.

We’re Here to Help:
To notify us of a legacy gift you have planned or to discuss the best gift option for you, please contact Jacquelyn Blake at

How to Leave a Gift
This section features an interactive element, allowing individuals to explore and visualize the specific impact of their investment over time, providing a sense of just how profound a legacy they can leave.

You decide how much to give – no gift is too small.

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Your gift costs you nothing now and you will be remembered as someone who helped nurture our youth into thriving adults.

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You can take care of your family first.

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You retain control of your assets during your lifetime and can change your mind if circumstances change.

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You may choose to keep your gift anonymous.

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You can leave a gift in honor or memory of someone who inspired your commitment to our youth.

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