COVID-19 has dramatically affected all of our lives, and clients of The Child Center have been particularly hard hit. Working in fields like food service and house cleaning, they were among the first to lose their jobs after the shutdown. Whether they originally came to The Child Center looking for shelter or job security, to get mental health or addiction treatment, or to help their children graduate from high school, they needed our services more than ever, so we created the COVID-19 Response Fund to ensure we could continue to meet their needs.
Three young supporters of The Child Center found out about the fund from their grandfather, Child Center Board President Dick Jay, and knew they wanted to contribute.
“We did a big clean out of the back shed,” explains 14-year-old Lucas, “and I thought of our stoop sales in Brooklyn. So I suggested a lawn sale for The Child Center at my grandfather’s house.”
Lucas and his twin brother, Jonah, and their 12-year-old sister, Jasmine, spent all weekend hawking their stuff in the heat — and raised a remarkable $2,073 for The Child Center
These impressive funds were matched not once, but twice — by their parents, Melanie Jay Stein and Alan Stein; and Alan’s employer, — for a grand total of $6,219, which will go directly to the COVID-19 Response Fund.
People who stopped by the yard sale were impressed by the youngsters’ commitment and generosity.
“While some people did not buy,” Jasmine says, “those that did appreciated that it went to charity.”
“We had great Saturday sales, but slower on Sunday,” adds Jonah, “until a great sale came as we were knocking down — to a couple from Queens!”
*PictuLucas summed up their efforts by saying, “It was a fun experience. Tiring at some points. But we know we’re fortunate to be able to help, and we’re really glad we did it.”
We are, too. Thank you to Jonah, Lucas, and Jasmine for your generous support!